July's 5 Favorite Finds!
Because these new discoveries have been adding delightful, small joys to my everyday, I found it absolutely necessary to share my LOVEs with you!
Hope my favorites become yours!
XOXO! Roxy
Hope my favorites become yours!
XOXO! Roxy
p.s. The below are not linked to affiliate marketing in anyway. In other words, I will not make $$$, just sharing in good ol' fashioned blogging style because you need to know!

1. Holst + LeeĀ I have loved the colorful creations of this Brooklyn designer since 2011, but it's just until this year when I saw her pieces in person that I decided to pull the trigger on one of her signature bracelets. I've started a collection and honestly do not go a day without adding one of the above to my stack! Some are currently on sale!

1. Holst + LeeĀ I have loved the colorful creations of this Brooklyn designer since 2011, but it's just until this year when I saw her pieces in person that I decided to pull the trigger on one of her signature bracelets. I've started a collection and honestly do not go a day without adding one of the above to my stack! Some are currently on sale!

2. Arctic Zero Ice Cream We currently have Cake Batter, Coconut, Brownie Blast, and Salted Caramel in our fridge. It is that good. I may be the last one on the planet to discover this ice cream but just in case...Arctic Zero is the self proclaimedĀ pioneer of Fit Frozen Desserts without all the fat and calories. It has aĀ low glycemic and is lactose and GMO free. You can eat the whole pint of some of my favorites for all of 150 calories. 150! As one of my friends said, "What is this sorcery andĀ where can I get it?!" Try your local Whole Foods! I, and baby Owens,Ā cannot get enough :) It's so worth it!

3. Schumacher Ice Blue DrapesĀ I scrolled by this beauty over the weekend and cannot stop thinking of these gorgeous drapes in a delicious Schumacher fabric. It comes in a rainbow of colors and would make the most chic statement in any room! If you're interested, email us as we can source Schumacher through Society Social! (image credit)

4. Alta Brass Swing Arm Wall SconceĀ Alan and I installed these to #GramercyCourt over the weekend and I'm in love! They are affordable, plug-ins (skip the electrician!), feature dimmers, are available with various shade styles, and best of all-- super chic. I'll definitely be using these for more projects! p.s.1, LampsPlus is one of my favorite sources for retail friendly lighting! p.s.2 The void to the left of the sofa will be filled with THIS BEAUTY from my new collection by the weekend!

5. Hello It's Jeanna What would this round-up beĀ without a little fun?! I discovered DJ Jeanna at my gym which is the cutest ever! 305 Fitness features a live DJ in every class (oh NYC, I love you!) and as I was getting my eagle onĀ at my usual Sunday 9am spot, I noticed how much I loved Jeanna's mixes. Head to her website for the most amazing mixes which have been on repeat at Spring Street all week. So far "Booty Booty Booty" and "1986" are my favorites. Artists include major throwbacks including but not limited to: Berlin, Prince, Janet, Madonna, Elton, Whitney, Mya, Aaliyah, Outkast, Usher, and NSYNC.