A Note from Roxy: Society Social Turns 3

{Photography by Lawrence Te}
Y'all! I know I have been through this so many times (um like here, here, and here #soblessed) but I seriously have to pinch myself everyday. And you know what? I don't care if I'm being cheesy. Life is for celebrating, even and especially the small moments, and, I'm ridiculously grateful. The kind of grateful dripping with cheese! Just over 4 years ago I was unemployed, feeling so lost and rejected. I must have sent out almost 50 resumes and asked myself over a thousand times, "What am I doing with my life?!" I've always known I've had something crazy in me to create, but nobody would hire me. No one would give me a chance, so at the ripe old age of 26 (it felt like I was being left behind!), I took a leap, drained my savings, and worked longer, harder hours than I ever did at corporate.Â
Today Society Social turns 3.
Of course, it's harder than I could have ever imagined, but I also never could have imagined the amazing adventures on which it's taken me, all the sweet people (ahem, you) I've had the pleasure to meet, and all the beautiful homes that have welcomed us in! Thank you for inspiring me every single day to dream big and for being a large part of why Society Social gets to turn 3 today :) I am sending big cheesy kisses. And of course, I promise to always strive to step it up...decorating is fun, after all! #SmallBizBigHeart

p.s. SS is funded by the bank of Roxy. So my darling husband and I, in order to help SS grow, are living in the smallest apartment NYC ever did see. If I ever get to move out of our 450 square feet to a place with natural light, a dishwasher, room enough for a microwave, central air and heating, and an elevator that passes all safety regulations--watch out y'all, I am going to think I am a rockstar and there will be gross overuse of the hashtag #soblessed ;)Â
p.s.s. UPDATE: Giveaway Alert! Win a pair of Roxy's favorite sassy tassel earrings (below!) Enter here!