Dear Society Social Family,
It is one of our greatest joys to be a small part of your homes. We know your home is a haven, a cherished place to share with your loved ones... it is also a place that many are now without due to the widespread devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy. We have been so lucky to have only lost power and heat and our hearts and thoughts go out to all those who have been affected. Our operations are up and running, but there are companies within our network who are experiencing delays due to the storm. If your order will be delayed because of this, we will contact you directly with the latest updates; we apologize for the inconvenience. From November 5 to November 8, in a joint effort with K.Slademade, Design Darling, and Devon Baer Designs, we will be donating a portion of our sales to the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. If you would like to donate on your own, just click here. Thank you so much for your continued support.
Sincerely, Roxy