5 Spaces I Love Series: Sandra
5 Spaces I Love Series
Meet our incredible new team member Sandra Duffie! Sandra joined our Society Social Charlotte team in August of this year and boy are we thrilled to have her! Her bubbly personality is unbeatable and she brings so much humor & joy to our team. As stepping into one's "dream home" is a great way to get a feel for their personal style, we asked Sandra to roundup photos of her 5 favorite spaces."This fun space created by James Farmer mixes the new and old to perfection. The bold patterns paired with the velvet green sofa and leather club chairs make for a warm and inviting space. The deep color tones help keep the room cozy and inviting all while keeping the space feeling light and spacious. I love how Farmer takes traditional elements to create a modern looks."
"Another master of mixing the old with the new is Maggie Griffin. She can take any traditional space and make it modern through the use of patterns, colors and textures. The light teal club chairs are the focal point of this space, providing just the perfect pop of interest while the layered rugs ground the space and create a cozy and inviting sitting area."
3. Porch Living by Georgia designer Maggie Griffin
"One Maggie Griffin space is just not enough for this girl! Outdoor living rooms have always been one of my favorite spaces within a home. This covered porch screams outdoor entertaining and I can envision the space surrounded by friends and family! The mix of rattan and metal accents make the room look modern while maintaining many traditional aspects. Plus, any area that uses blue and white ginger jars is a winner!"
4. Bald Head Island Living Room by Charleston designer Lindsey Coral Harper
"Lindsey Coral Harper created this warm space for a home in Bald Head Island. The use of darker tones throughout the breakfast room and living room create a warm and inviting environment. The wicker chairs mixed in with the dark wood table help lighten up the room making the wood tones feel breezy--the perfect coastal vibe!"
5. Kitchen / Breakfast Nook by Georgia designer Maggie Griffin
"And to finish...one final space by Maggie Griffin. This fun space is the breakfast room in her personal home. As with most families, the kitchen is where many laughs and maybe even a few tears are shared. Working with a small space, Griffith was able to create a comfortable but functional space that's suitable for everyday living. The blue accents and hanging plates bring a pop of color among a sea of khaki."